Amela and Alea’s Story
Arbresha and her husband married a year ago in Klina, Kosovo. Arbresha studies to become a teacher. When she learned she was pregnant, she went to see a doctor at her nearest hospital in Peja. There she was told she was carrying twins. This is Arbresha’s first birth.
Two weeks before delivery she was referred to the main hospital in UCCK in Prishtina, as she was experiencing a premature prolonged rupture of membranes (PPROM), and needed more sophisticated treatment. Soon after, two beautiful baby girls are born – Amela and Alea via normal vaginal delivery.
Because the twins were born prematurely they were experiencing breathing problems and were treated with the medication called Survanta and a machine called CPAP that improve breathing. Gradually, these distressed newborn babies improved and today they live happily in Klina and are fed with mother’s breast milk.
The birth of Amela and Alea has brought happiness in Arbresha’s family. Survanta medication and CPAP machines were made possible by Action for Mothers and Children, AmeriCares, and its many donors. Amela and Alea were kept at the Neonatology Intensive Care Unit for 5 weeks and today they weigh 2115 gr and 2135 gr.