The mobile application “Globi Im” is now launched
September 27,2018 Prishtina
Action for Mothers and Children has launched the mobile app in albanian called ‘Globi Im’. This application has been developed as part of the program Positive Discipline in Everyday Parenting.
Positive Discipline in Everyday Parenting is a program that is being implemented by Action for Mothers and Children in partnership with Save the Children in Kosovo. This program is an approach of education which wants to stop physical and psychological punishment towards children and is based on the principles of children’s rights, research on healthy development of children, and research on effective parenting.
‘Globi Im’ is an app for children where they will be able to explore different topics as the universe, the oceans, animals, sports, plants, health, science, technology and cartoons.
This application wants to promote a safe environment for the child, where parents and children will have the opportunity to answer the questions together and this will create a better communication and parent-child relationship, as the program itself aims. At the same time, the parent can help the childs development and expand the childs knowledge.
This app is currently only available on Androind which you can download from the link below: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.financial_core.globiim