The theatrical play “Surprise” was organized in continuation of the International Children’s Day
08 June 2018, Prishtina,
The organization Action for Mothers and Children in partnership with the organization Save the Children in Kosovo organized a theatrical play called “Surprise” on 8th of June in the “Mother Theresa” Square.
This play is based on the program “Positive Discipline in Everyday Parenting” and its aim is to raise awareness for a healthy growth of children. This program has been developed in response to recommendations of the United Nations World Report on Violence against Children, which seek to eliminate physical punishment and other types of punishments towards children, and also seek getting
parental support to learn the non-violent way when raising a child.
“We are very happy that the theatrical play was successfully completed and the message was transferred to the audience. The purpose of this show was to raise awareness and to enforce the implementation of this program in each family. We as an organization aim to protect the rights of children and stop the physical and psychiatric punishment towards children, “said Albiona Beselica Beha, Project Coordinator at Action for Mothers and Children.