The cooperation agreement for the expansion of home visits is signed between AMC and UNICEF, a program under the leadership of the Ministry of Health
05 June 2019, Prishtina
The humanitarian foundation ‘Action for Mothers and Children’ signed a cooperation agreement with the international organization, UNICEF program in Kosovo in May of 2019. The UNICEF Kosovo Program focuses on the growth and development of children without distinction, strengthening the capacity of institutions at central and local level to develop and provide quality services for children and support children, adolescents, girls and boys, parents and communities to seek their rights and participate in community development so that every child feels equal.
‘Home Visits’ is a program of the Ministry of Health and UNICEF, aiming at providing home-based services in Kosovo municipalities as an approach to further improve the health and well-being of children by building trust between nurses / social workers and the community for a better family medicine systems. Home visits help families identify newborn problems, including signs of illness and at the same time support the practices of breastfeeding, vaccinations, were we also contribute to the child’s growth and development in order to achieve the full potential of the child.
With the home visiting program, our overall goal is to increase the knowledge of medical staff, pregnant women and new mothers in antenatal care, postpartum care, postnatal depression, early childhood development (0-3 years) , the role of partners and other family members to provide support, expansion and empowerment of healthcare providers across Kosovo through training programs and engagement in educational activities.
At the same time, AMC and UNICEF will implement the ‘Child Nutrition’ program focusing on the tools, guidelines/menus and recommendations for healthy nutrition for children to be developed, approved and disseminated by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and will also be integrated in preschool and primary school curricula, all in order to create healthy eating habits among children.