The 13th Health Resource Center “Mothers’ Classes” opens up in Obiliq

November 22, 2019, Obiliq

We are so pleased to open the doors of the Women’s Health Resource Center “Mother’s Classes” in Obiliq, at the Main Family Medicine Center, in an official ceremony today. This initiative has been made possible thanks to the Ministry of Health and the cooperation with Main Family Medicine Center and Action for Mothers and Children.

The establishment of the 13th  Resource Center in Obiliq will provide free educational services, physical and psychological support to women and their partners, as well as counseling sessions on childcare, post-natal depression, breastfeeding, baby nutrition, immunization, and more.

“Given the importance of access to information towards the health of mothers and children, we are committed to being as close as possible to new parents through our Women’s Resource Health Centers in order to provide them with advice on a  healthy pregnancy and the best childcare. This center will focus on Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities living in Obiliq ,where access to health services is limited due to socio-economic conditions ”said Vlorian Molliqaj from Action for Mothers and Children

The health resource center in Obiliq is opened every day and available to all the women in Obiliq, as well as their partners. The schedule of the sessions will be published on monthly basis in the MFMC in Obiliq, in Action for Mothers and Children’s official website, and throughout social media platforms.