Thank you Valon, welcome Mrika!

Dear friends of AMC,

We inform you that in accordance with the statute of our foundation, Mr. Valon Xharra, who was the chairman of our board, has completed this task after two consecutive terms in the four years 2018-2021.

Since the arrival of Mr. Xharra at the head of the board of AMC, our foundation has made great steps towards development, both in funding and in networking and expansion with new programs and projects. One of the biggest successes for AMC at the time the board was led by Mr. Xharra has been organizing the annual charity event “Meet us Halfway” in New York, USA, where for years we managed to raise thousands of dollars to support AMC programs that always focus on improving the health of mothers and children in Kosovo.

We would like to express special gratitude and thanks for the contribution of Mr. Xharra to the AMC mission, a contribution that has turned our foundation into one of the leading non-governmental organizations in Kosovo. At the same time, we are very happy that Mr. Xharra will continue his contribution to AMC, in the position of Deputy Chairman of the Board.


Therefore, we inform you that with the decision of the AMC board, Mrs. Mrika Aliu has been elected chairwoman of the board for a two-year term for the period 2022-2023. Mrs. Aliu, a Master of Public Health graduate from Dartmouth College in the US, currently works as a Human Development Specialist at the World Bank based in Pristina. She was the Executive Director of AMC from 2013 to 2019 and under her leadership, AMC has paved the way for the implementation of programs and projects that address maternal and child health issues such as the supply of medicines and medical equipment for clinics at UCCK. , improving quality to address access to health care services, and advocating with healthcare stakeholders in Kosovo on a variety of health policies.

We are very assured that Mrs. Aliu, Mr. Xharra, and all AMC board members, with all the experience and the will they have, will continue their good work and will further enhance the positive impact that AMC has on the health of mothers and children in the country.