“Group Care during the first 1000 days” project has been launched
Today in a press conference, Action for Mothers and Children (AMC) in partnership with ten organizations/institutions from the Netherlands, Belgium, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, South Africa, Suriname and Ghana, launched the project ” Group care in the first 1000 days”, this project financed by the EU through the Horizon2020 program.
The project focuses on mothers and children, and the main goal of this research project is to implement prenatal and postnatal group care in different countries with high, middle and low income, in order to improve the health of mothers and children. In Kosovo, the project is being implemented in the Municipality of Prizren and the Municipality of Lipjan.
“It is extremely necessary to have good quality health services because only in this way will we have good health outcomes for all women and children during and after pregnancy, especially for the marginalized groups of society. This is essential because the high quality of health services for mothers and children has been identified as a very important factor in reducing mortality and morbidity among mothers and newborns in different countries of the world. We are extremely happy that Kosovo, through the Action for Mothers and Children, is part of this international project. And we are very happy that we have gathered here in Prishtina over 22 maternal and child health experts from different countries of the world.” – said Mr. Vlorian Molliqaj, Executive Director of AMC.
On the other hand, Marlies Rijnders, research midwife at TNO (Netherlands) said: “Research shows that women who receive group care have better pregnancy outcomes, lower risk of premature birth, lower birth weight low, better mental health outcomes, increased breastfeeding rates, etc. Therefore, it is important that in Kosovo, as well as in other countries, the health systems adapt to the needs of the citizens in order to have healthy population”.
On the occasion of the launch of the project, AMC invites all pregnant women living in the municipality of Prizren and Lipjan to contact the Main Familiy Medicine Centers and become part of the groups in order to benefit from this project.