Teshavesha, part of the Social Entrepreneurship Week in Kosovo
13 November,2018, Prishtina
Today, Teshavesha was part of a Conference about Social Entrepreneurship as a success story where Mrika Aliu, presented Teshavesha as a social enterprise whose mission is to recycle textile and to raise funds in order to help lower the rate of infant mortality in the country and to improve the health services provided to mothers and children.
“Teshavesha recycles about 2,100 kg of textiles per month, and about 25,200 kg of textiles per year thus contributing to the environment. Through the funds raised by Teshavesha, the lives of about 1,000 babies in Kosovo have been saved as a result of the use of the Survanta medication, and about 3,000 women have benefited from being part of the free lectures at Women’s Health Resource Centers, ‘Mothers Classes’ , said Mrika Aliu, the Executive Director of Action for Mother and Children.
However, Teshavesha unveiled its ambitious plan also to expand to the manufacturing industry by announcing the launch of the pregnant women’s clothing line, a collaboration with the fashion designer from New York, BesĂ«. The launch of this line will be announced in the coming weeks, but a part of the line will be presented at the Social Entrepreneurship Fair.
The Conference for Social Entrepreneurship in Kosovo was organized by LENS as part of the Social Entrepreneurship Week in Kosovo, which is also part of the Global Entrepreneurship Week in Kosovo, and as part of the direct and strategic support program for social enterprises in Kosovo supported by Enhancing Youth Employment – EYE Project.
The Social Entrepreneurship week aimed to promote social enterprise in the country and provide strategic and technical support to social enterprises in further developing their business.