Positive Discipline in Everyday Parenting
The program “Positive Discipline in Everyday Parenting” enabled in partnership with the organization Save the Children of Kosovo.
This program is an approach of education that guides the child’s behavior, while respecting their right to a safe environment, protection from violence, and participation in their education.
Parents hit and humiliate their children when they are tired or stressed or when they believe that this is the way to discipline their children. But by hitting, humiliating or using other methods of violence you can harm the child physically, reduce the child’s self-esteem, make the child feel insecure and depressed.
Positive Discipline is non-violent, is focused on finding solutions, based on respect, and based on the principles of child development.
Positive Discipline in Everyday Parenting was held in 4 groups of Preschool Institutions: “Fatosat”, “Dielli”, “GĂ«zimi YnĂ«”, “Yllkat” and “Classes for Mothers” in Prishtina, where around 40 parents attended .