Phototherapy Lamps arrive in the Neonatology Intensive Care Unit in Prishtina
Prishtina, 04 April 2016-
Today we solemnly delivered the phototherapy lamps in the Nenatology Intensive Care Unit at the Universtiy Clinical Center of Kosovo (UCCK). These lamps are essential in treating jaundice in children and today we delivered 5 phototherapy lamps.
Jaundice is a frequent problem in children which is caused due to an increased level of bilirubin in the blood. Approximately half of the infants born to term and 75% of premature babies manifest jaundice during the first days of their life. Phototherapy is a non-invasive way of treating jaundice which is realized through several phototherapy devices, the so called phototherapy lamps.
“The support we are receiving from Action for Mothers and Children through its many friends, partners and donors is enabling our effective work in the Clinic. Every day we face different challenges and we never give up in providing the best care for our infants,” – states Dr. Mynevere Hoxha, head of Neonatology Intensive Care Unit in UCCK.
Arta Hasanaj, from Action for Mothers and Children, declares that “we are committed in offering our support to help babies live and we focus on providing solutions to those problems that improve the effectivenes of care delivered for our babies and are prioritized by the Clinic. It is a real pleasure to deliver those phototerapy lamps today, made possible through our dedicated donors, and fulfil some of the needs of the Neonatal Clinic” – adds Hasanaj.
The purchasing and delivery of phototherapy lamps today is made possible through support and donors of the 2015 fundraising events – “Cycle Kosovo for Children” and “Let’s Dance for Mothers and Children.”