International Cancer Day- I Can, We Can!
In the round table organized by the National Board for Cancer Control in honor of the Cancer Day – February 4th, the Screening program of cervical cancer in the Municipality of Prishtina was presented among many other presantations. The pilot project for cervical cancer screening started in 2016, and was then integrated as a regular service in three family medicine centers in 2017. The presentation of the data and the success of this program was made by the program coordinator of the cervical cancer screening program Dr. Erzen Begolli.
The screening project is continuing to be implemented successfully, where from 2016 up to now over 3000 women have made the PAP test.
This program, which is at the same time one of the priorities of the health strategy in Kosovo, was coordinated by the foundation Action for Mothers and Children and was launched thanks to the dedication and inter-institutional cooperation between the Municipal Directorate for Health and Social Welfare in Prishtina, Ministry of Health, Institute of Pathological Anatomy at UCCK, Center for Women’s Welfare in the Main Family Medicine Center in Prishtina, Family Medicine Center Nr. 5 and the Family Medicine Center No. 6 in Pristina, as well as the National Institute of Public Health in Kosovo. The program was initially and consistently supported by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the Kosovo Office and the World Health Organization.