besëxteshavesha, the new pregnancy clothing line now launched
March 8, 2019, Prishtina
Today the pregnancy clothing line designed by the New York designer ‘Besë’ for the Teshavesha charity shop was launched, where the cocktail launching event was held at Besë Studio. The pregnancy clothing line is produced by using organic material so that it can be as comfortable and healthy for the mother.
“It is an extraordinary feeling to creating value for the community through art. The creation of the pregnancy clothing line has been a very inspirational process for us, combining the need for the market with the humanitarian cause , and today we are eager to share our work with the community, “said Besë.
Funds raised from the sales of this collection will finance programs that help improve the health of mothers and children in Kosovo, such as: purchase of medicament’s and equipment’s, development of neonatal referral system and opening and development of “Mothers Classes”.
The ambassador of the pregnancy clothing line besë x teshavesha is the well-known model, Diellza Kolgeci, who as a mother to be, joined the campaign with great enthusiasm and dedication to help mothers and children in the country. “Being part of humanitarian causes like this makes me feel happy and lucky that I have the power and the will to help others. On the 8th of March we celebrate together bringing you something beautiful and unique, and at the same time helping mothers and babies in Kosovo, ” said Kolgeci .
Teshavesha is a social enterprise which recycles about 2,100 kg of textiles per month, and about 25,200 kg of textiles per year thus contributing to the environment. Through the funds raised by Teshavesha, the lives of about 1,000 babies in Kosovo have been saved as a result of the use of the Survanta medication, and about 3,000 women have benefited from being part of the free lectures at Women’s Health Resource Centers, ‘Mothers Classes’.