AMC reached a Cooperation Agreement with Faculty of Medicine
Prishtina, 23 May 2017-
This week, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Prshtina “Hasan Prishtina” and the Action for Mothers and Children Foundation (AMC). This agreement will allow the implementation of the student internships in all of the AMC programs for all students of the Faculty of Medicine, who have completed their exams in biostatistics, gynecology and pediatrics, as well as for students who attend their last year in midwifery school.
With the ever more complex and inclusive project development, the AMC has a constant need for interns who contribute with their knowledge, time and work in implementing the Foundation’s health programs.
These students will be trained to hold lectures at the “Women’s Health Resource Centers”; will be part of the research on the Cervical Cancer Program; participate in Statistical Analyzes of the Neonatal Transport Project; or other projects managed by AMC that are foreseen in advance.
The internship program will be held in a four month period, and at the end of the internship students will receive a Reference letter for their work and performance as well as recommendations for future work.