“Action for Mothers and Children” becomes member of KOMF coalition
Prishtina, 25 June 2015-
This month we have received the news from the coalition of organization for child protection – KOMF – that “Action for Mothers and Children” has been voted to become member of this coalition. The mission of KOMF is protection and security of children’s wellbeing as well as advocacy to protect children’s rights as based on the International Convention on Children’s Rights.
Being member of this coalition places AMC in a strong advocacy position toward the children’s right for healthy lives, which is a pillar of AMC’s programs. KOMF and AMC have brainstormed on initial efforts towards advocacy programs for health insurance schemes for children as part of the KoSana health dialogue program (where AMC is an implementing partner) and advocacy efforts to increase the budget for reproductive health which aims to improve the healthcare delivered for children.
Among member organizations of KOMF are: Associazione Amici dei Bambini, Association for Social Training, Research and Advocacy – ASTRA, Initiative 6, Center for Protection of Victims – MVPT, One to One Children’s Fund, One to One Kosova, Save the Children, Hope and Home for Children in Kosovo, Terre des homes, World Vision, SOS Children’s Villiage, OPFAKKOS, Kosovo Education Center and VoRAE.