Strengthening the health system by improving the nutrition situation in early childhood and school-age children in public institutions!
As part of the of the program for strengthening the health system and improving the situation of nutrition in early childhood and school-age children we visited two public institutions: “Mustafa Bakija” Primary School and “Ganimete TĂ«rbeshi” Preschool in the municipality of Gjakova
These visits were made by the AMC representative, Mrs. Okarina Gorani, who manages the program for healthy nutrition, director for Health and Social Welfare Mrs. Adelina Shehu – Kola, nurse Mrs. Adelina Puka and other health professionals.
During the meeting with the director of the school “Mustafa Bakija” Mrs. Zana Kurtishi Rudi, discussed the awareness of healthy nutrition and the use of healthy food lunch boxes in schools, where she expressed gratitude for the cooperation and joint commitment for the continuous promotion of the practice of taking food from home and the activities related to proper nutrition in this age group.
Also, we visited the preschool institution “Ganimete TĂ«rbeshi” where we met with the director Mr. Blerim Halilaj and then the staff of this institution to be informed in more detail about the implementation of the guide and new food menus for ages 0-6 years old which is being strictly implemented by this preschool institution.
The guide was developed by the multisectoral Group for Healthy Nutrition, including the Ministry of Health, while the project within which this guide was developed is supported by Unicef ​​Kosovo Program and implemented by Action for Mothers and Children.