End-of-Year Letter from Action for Mothers and Children
Dear Friends,
As we approach the end of 2014, we want to thank those around the world who have supported Action for Mothers and Children. As we get ready to do even better things for mothers and children in 2015, we ask you to continue your support.
Kosovo continues to have among the highest infant mortality rates in Europe with an ongoing desperate need for help to improve the healthcare for mothers and children.
Back in 2000, Kosovo’s perinatal mortality rate was 29 deaths per 1,000 births, far and away the highest rate in Europe. Today, the rate has dropped to 16 per 1,000 thanks to the ongoing work of many individuals and the concerted efforts of Action for Mothers and Children.
It was heartening to see donors supporting our foundation throughout 2014. In the year we are leaving behind, more than 300 children have been saved and more than 800 mothers have benefited from foundation’s programs designed in the forms of medical trainings, supplies, equipment, health research and education, in cooperation with the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth and the support of corporate, international and individual donors. The purpose of applauding these figures is about the impact of your support and reflects our belief that humanitarian foundations cannot stand alone.
In our 2015 plan we will make sure that:
• premature babies at Neonatology Unit will not die in lack of Survanta medication,
• our research programs will be the basis for our advocacy efforts to make sure the voice of mothers and children for better healthcare is heard, and
• our Women’s Health Resource Center is expanding so that every mother has access to the information and care she needs.
2015 will find Action with a developed donor-relationship system based on transparency and regular communication, with a functional Medical Committee, and exciting fundraising events. Our central challenge in 2015 is to match the heroism of children striving to live with the good humanitarian intentions of our local and international donors.
Prospects for the future look better, but Action needs your continuous support. Please remember that AMC is a not-for-profit humanitarian foundation, which plays an important role in the lives of children and mothers in the Republic of Kosovo by developing better systems for their care.
As we share our 2014 accomplishments with you through this end of year letter, we look forward to your continuous support in the coming year.
Your help makes our mission more powerful and possible. With warmest wishes for a happy and prosperous 2015!
AMC Board of Trustees & Staff