End-of-year Letter
Dear friends,
We refounded Action for Mothers and Children in 2013 in Kosovo – united by the belief that every woman and child deserves a chance to a healthy life and better healthcare.
Every day since, you’ve shown to us that together, we can turn this belief into reality, and save the lives of innocent newborns, children, and mothers in Kosovo.
The boy you see in the picture – Amar – was born in 2015. He turned 3 this year. Amar and his mom Marigona are the pride of our day to day work with mothers and children in our country. When Amar was born, he weighted only 1600 grams. Marigona’s doctors told her that it was very difficult for Amar to survive, with his premature lungs, and had little chances of survival. But baby Amar is living the proof that we can overcome the odds. It is an unimaginable feeling when we see babies reunited with their moms, growing, playing, going to school, and sharing their dreams of wanting to become teachers, football players, singers, doctors, or astronauts😊.
Right now, mothers and children in Kosovo are facing an urgent health crisis, with high preterm rate, poor antenatal care, malnutrition during pregnancy and childhood, rising respiratory diseases, increasing rates of deficiencies, increasing incidences of cancers, and more. Through education, supplies, research and advocacy, we can overcome this crisis and help our women and children receive better healthcare.
Some of this year’s significant achievements happened thanks to steadfast supporters like you. Read more of our achievements in 2018 here.
Our success of 2018 would have not been possible without your support. So this time, as the end of year festivities approach, we’re writing to send our deepest and sincere gratitude for your support throughout this and many other years.
We promise we will work harder to raise the voice of women and children for their right to healthcare.
Our next years core strategic interventions will aim to reduce infant mortality rates, children morbidity and mortality rates, women morbidity and mortality statistics, reduce child violence rates, as well as encourage the philanthropic spirit and habits in Kosovo and Diaspora.
We believe in people like you, who with small gestures of donating are making a massive impact in the lives of mothers and children in Kosovo.
We thank you humbly, and look forward to our continued partnerships in the months and years ahead.
AMC Board of Trustees and Staff