“Designer’s Weekend”- The event organized by Teshavesha
Prishtina, 12 May 2017-
This weekend will finds us with “Designers’ Weekend” at ‘Zahir Pajaziti’ Square, an event organized by the Teshavesha charity store, which will be held on May 13 from 11.00 am and ends on May 14 at 15.00.
‘Designer’s Weekend’ is supported by Empower Private Sector and KAMA and enables the participation of local textile designers and manufacturers in an open market. In this event renowned fashion designers like Valdrin Sahiti, Vjollca Llapashtica, Enkeleida Shatrri, Teuta Matoshi, Flutra Dedinja from ZAM, Valon Osmani, Mevlyde Llugiqi, Albina Dyla, Ardita Rizvanolli, Egzon Kazagiqi, Soxey and others have donated their creations, which will be sold at symbolic prices within the open market during “Designers’ Weekend” to help mothers and children.
Teshavesha is a social enterprise founded by foundation ‘Action for Mothers and Children’ with purpose to raise funds that will support health programs and improve the lives of mothers and children in Kosovo.
The Idea for the Designer’s Weekend was born in collaboration of Teshavesha and Adrian Berisha, and is supported by Empower Private Sector and KAMA.