Dartmouth Hosts a Reception for AMC
Prishtina, October 7, 2015-
On September 19th, 2015 the Department of Community and Family Medicine at Dartmouth hosted a reception for representatives  and friends of Action for Mothers and Children.
Dartmouth faculty, students, and staff gathered to discuss  their long-term contribution and work with Kosovo’s health programs, student and faculty exchanges, and the history and achievements of Action for Mothers and Children (AMC).
George Little MD, Geisel Emeritus Professor Pediatrics and an Action Trustee, hosted the event, describing some of the goals and challenges for Action in Kosovo.  James Strickler MD, the Honorary Trustee at Action for Mothers and Children, recalled the long-term contribution of Dartmouth in Kosovo through its many programs and creation of “Action for Mothers and Children.”
Ms. Teuta Sahatqija, Member of Parliament of the Republic of Kosovo, was the special guest and  expressed a great appreciation for  all Dartmouth faculty, students, and staff involved in health programs with AMC and Kosovo.
A reception followed the presentation of recent AMC programs, concluding a celebratory evening and supportive discussion among AMC’s friends and supporters at Dartmouth.