The history of Miradie, Rajana’s Mother
I have experienced three abortions and now finally my baby Rajana is born,my first child. Rajana was born prematurely, in week 29 and she weighted 1 kg and 600 gr and after three weeks treated in the Neonatology Clinic she is healthy and ready to come home to her family.
The nurses of the Neonatology Clinic provided the adequate care and treatment for my baby. Rajana was treated with two doses of Survanta and stayed for two weeks in the incubator. At the same time she was treated with the oxygen system, respiration tubes, CRP machine, CPAP machine, Photo Therapy and ROP for eye screening.
I thank the Neonatology staff and Action for Mothers and Children for saving my child’s life and making me the happiest mother in the world.