The Neonatal Referral System
Kosovo continues to have the highest rate of child mortality in Europe and the inadequate quality of services provided to children. One of the factors affecting a high rate of infant mortality in Kosovo is the lack of a quality transport and referral system in Kosovo.
Around 300 babies are referred from other cities to Prishtina and are transported through private transportation means. Parents deliver babies to Prishtina using their private cars to seek more specialized treatment. This puts the baby at risk and without qualitative care during transportation baby’s chances of survival minimize.
Since 2016, we are working on improving the quality of services and advocacy toward building a baby transport / referral system from other cities to Prishtina.
In 2017, Action for Mothers and Children, with the technical support of the expert team from the Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in the United States, as well as the support of the Ministry of Health in Kosovo, and the Kosovo Clinical Hospital Clinical Service, has enabled the training of medical staff in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at UCCK, Prishtina, and in the regional hospitals as in Peja, Gjakova, and Gjilan.
During 2018, simulation training’s were held for the medical staff in the Neonatal Intensive Care units at UCCK, Prishtina, and regional hospitals in Peja, Gjakova and Gjilan  with the help of the expert team from Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center. These simulation training’s contributed to a safe transportation for the newborn from the regional hospitals to the Neonatology Clinic in Prishtina. This have become the first regional model for an established health care system based on successful international models.
This program saves the lives of hundreds of children each year.
FACT: Around 300 babies benefit annually as a result of the quality health service provided during their transport from any city of Kosovo to Prishtina where more advanced treatment is required.