Coalition of Organisations on Reproductive Health Rights
Since 2016, we are working on consolidating the efforts of some organizations in the field of sexual reproductive health by creating a joint advocacy body that influences the improvement of policies promoting reproductive health rights in Kosovo.
In the long run, the coalition aims to improve the policy, legal framework and awareness on reproductive health and reproductive health rights in Kosovo through regular evidence-based advocacy work of civil society organizations mobilized as a Coalition. The Coalition, named as K10 based on ten basic reproductive health rights serves as an independent advocacy and monitoring body on policy and law implementation on reproductive health and reproductive health rights.
In the mid run, the Coalition K10 intends to advocate with government decision-makers on the importance of budgeting for the spending materials related to reproductive sexual health and to advise the Ministry of Health on the implementation of strategic plan for family planning and promotion of reproductive rights.
Aside from the legal framework regulating sexual reproductive health, K10 aims to monitor policy revisions applicable in line with European Union directives and to be part of relevant committees representing citizens’ rights and informed voice on services and necessary funding for reproductive sexual health.
FACT: Continued attention to reproductive health and women’s health is a pressing demand because some 350,000 Kosovar women are in their reproductive years. The continuing poor health status of women and children represents a critical barrier to socio-economic development.