Survanta Medication Delivery to Neonatology Unit

Our foundation, through its partnerships with AmeriCares and Abbvie Laboratories, delivers Survanta medication to Neonatology Unit within University Clinical Center of Kosovo since 2009.

Without enough surfactant, the lungs collapse and premature babies die. Infants who experience respiratory distress lack sufficient amounts of surfactant – the liquid coats inside the lungs. Babies usually don’t start producing surfactant until a few weeks after they are born. Without enough surfactant the lungs collapse and premature babies cannot breathe. Thus, Survanta is vital for prevention and treatment of RDS (Respiratory Distress Syndrome) and reduces the mortality rate caused by RDS.

We secure Survanta medication, through our partnerships with AmeriCares, since 2009.

Below is the list of donations made to Neonatology Unit since 2009:

Year Total units donated Total value in $
2010 180 $117,138
2011 150 $101,682
2012 222 $150,489
2013 280 $189,806
2014/15 230  $155,912
2016 300 $203,364
2017 204 $138,287

FACT: Lives of around 1800 babies in Kosovo have been saved as a result of using Survanta medication.